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I'm Jane — A HOLISTIC SKINCARE THERAPIST helping women feel beautiful and confident.

The Top 10 Foods for Radiant Skin

Treating the Skin From Within

June 29, 2021

Learn what foods to eat to nourish your most radiant skin. Then, turn your food into skincare, so your everyday diet works double duty for you as nutritious, skin-loving radiant skin food.

A food-first approach

There are foods that damage and age the skin prematurely. But, on the other hand, some foods support healthy, radiant skin. So let’s dig into the facts and the easy ways you can best get your glow back using food as your skincare.

Are you trying product after product to “fix” your skin? 

My clients ask me questions like… “Will this cleanser kill the bacteria causing my acne” or ‘Will this heavy night cream take away my dry flakey skin.” The answer is complicated because skin health is not an isolated surface problem.

Your skin cells form, strengthen, hydrate and moisturize, long before you and I see them as surface cells.  The health of the skin cell, how well the skin cell retains moisture, how well it protects and how well it heals is determined by what we eat and our lifestyle.  

So save yourself some money, time and frustration by focusing on fewer products to reach your best skin ever.  For radiant, glowing skin, we need to look beyond topical bandaid solutions. Instead, we should be spending more time focusing on antioxidant-rich food, reducing our toxic load, stress management, and supporting the liver as our main skincare routine.  

When choosing skin-loving foods, choose food that will significantly impact your radiant skin journey, and add nutrient-dense superfoods to every meal.  

The Solution

I have listed food in categories and given my favourite example in each category.  The categories are like the foundation of a house.  Every house needs a foundation regardless of the type of house you are going to build.  How you design your home on the foundation, in other words, what foods you choose from each category, may vary based on your location, personal preferences, budget and taste preferences.  

Here are my top 10 foods for radiant skin.

  1. Herbs + Spices (clove, cinnamon)
  1. Herbal Teas (rosehip + ginger)
  1. Leafy Greens + fibre rich foods (spinach)
  1. Omega 3 Essential Faty Acids + Healthy Fats (Walnuts + Salmon)
  1. Antiinflammatory foods (Tumeric) 
  1. Fermented foods (kefir)
  1. Antioxidant-rich foods (Green Tea + Dark Chocolate)
  1. Dark Coloured Fruits + Veg (Acai Berry + sweet potatoes)
  1. Vitamin C rich foods (red pepper)
  1. Prebiotic foods (leeks + garlic)

If you want to know more about how these foods help you attain your most radiant skin, download my Radiant Skin Revealed Checklist.

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Holistic Living for Healthy Skin

Topical Skincare Tips for over 40

Skin Health + Lifestyle

Treating the skin from within


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Do You Need a Holistic Skin Coach?

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I'm Jane — A HOLISTIC SKINCARE THERAPIST helping women feel beautiful and confident.